Introducing a new pet door to your home can bring immense benefits for both you and your pet. An in-glass sliding pet door can offer your furry friend the freedom to come and go as they please, and provide you with the convenience of not having to constantly open and close the door. However, training your pet to use a new pet door might require some patience and encouragement. Here are a few tips to help your pet get accustomed to their new passageway.

Benefits of a Pet Door

Before we get into the training tips, it’s important to understand the benefits that a pet door can bring:

Increased Freedom

Pets can go outside whenever they need to relieve themselves, which is especially useful if you’re not home.

Exercise & Stimulation

Pets, particularly dogs, can get more exercise and mental stimulation by exploring the outdoors.

Reduced Anxiety

Pets with the freedom to go outside and come back in can experience reduced anxiety and boredom.

Convenience for Owners

Pet doors eliminate the need for constant door duty, especially in homes with young pets or older animals that need frequent breaks.

Tips to Train Your Pet to Use an In-Glass Sliding Pet Door

1. Introduction and Familiarization

Begin by introducing your pet to the new door in a calm and positive manner. Allow them to sniff and investigate the door. This will help them become familiar with the new addition without feeling pressured to use it immediately.

2. Use Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is crucial in training your pet to use the new door. Use treats, toys, and praise to encourage your pet to go near and eventually through the door. Start by rewarding them for approaching the door, then for stepping through it.

3. Gradual Training

Start with the door propped open to make it easier for your pet to pass through. Once they are comfortable with this, gradually lower the flap, allowing them to push it open themselves. You might need to show them how to push it with their nose or paw. Initially, you can help them by holding the flap partially open.

4.Encourage with Toys and Treats

Place some of your pet’s favorite toys or treats on the other side of the door to entice them to go through it. You can also use a family member or friend to call your pet from the other side of the door while you gently guide them through.

5. Practice Regularly

Consistency is key in training. Regular practice sessions, ideally a few times a day, will help your pet learn that the door is a normal part of their environment. Keep the sessions short and positive to avoid overwhelming your pet.

6. Patience and Persistence

Every pet learns at their own pace. Be patient and avoid scolding or forcing your pet through the door, as this can create negative associations. Celebrate small victories and progress, and continue using positive reinforcement.

7. Address Any Hesitations

If your pet seems hesitant or afraid of the door, identify what might be causing their fear. It could be the noise of the flap, the feel of the door, or simply the newness of it. Address these issues by making the environment around the door more comfortable and gradually desensitizing your pet to the door.

Training your pet to use a new in-glass sliding pet door can take some time for some pets, but the benefits are well worth the effort. With patience, positive reinforcement, and regular practice, your pet will soon enjoy the freedom and convenience of their new door.

At California Energy Contractors, we offer professional installation of Anlin in-glass pet doors, ensuring a seamless fit and function for your home and pet. Contact us today to learn how we can help you and your furry friend enjoy the benefits of a high-quality pet door. For a FREE estimate, give us a call at (855) 779-1413 or fill out our form here.